My Proposal

Those deep, deep eyes, deeper than the ocean
Your smile, your laugh, is like a love potion
Your skin, so soft, just like a peach
Girl, you so fine I could stare for weeks
Now besides all of your beauty, since there's more than meets the eye
Your funny, smart, nice, sweet, and refresh me like the morning sky
Your athletic, energetic, and you sure know what you want
And can I have it back, you've completely stolen my heart
Now you can laugh or you can smile or look at me like im crazy
But girl, you know that I love you more than anythin baby
So Ms. ________, my one true love
Brighter, more beautiful than the stars above
Take my hand in marriage, be my bride to be
Ms. ________, will you marry me?


  • AWE

    this is sweet and it sounds catchy and like the person really ment it

    Miranda 2014-06-14

  • awesome

    epic poem i wrote this same thing a couple of years ago exactly the same just never put it on the web then i used it to propose

    shane blevins 2013-02-14

  • my proposal

    I loved it, it reminded me of something my husband would say to me, you did a fantastic job on this poem i loved it it was cute, and beautiful

    Marcie Hewitt 2012-03-08

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