I will be a strong spiritual leader Comments

  • cultural difference

    Where I come from, I am the spiritual leader...It is the role of the woman and man, equally, to provide a quality lifestyle...Being Indigenous, I believe that it is my job to lead my fiance with the gods of my people...everyone needs to remember, not everyone has the same god or the same creation story...my people believe we come from dirt, mud, clay, and we were pulled from a tree...so, in short, everyone has a god that they believe in

    roz 2012-05-18

  • Total Ignorance

    I used to view marriage in the same way as Ryan, Amelia, and Tess. To me, God was not as important as my future wife. And yes, I too called myself a Christian...more as an accessory to my life.
    God does say that the man is the spiritual leader of the household...not a tyrant or dictator, but more of the backbone behind spiritual topics. It doesn't say that the wife cannot lead in faith as well, but you always need to put God first, having undoubted faith in His perfect word and living it out. Sure, we are all equal, for the most part, but God has designed us each with our own "perks". So, it is not "sexist" to follow the ways of our God, He doesn't play favorites. Future wives, "submit" does NOT mean go against the word of God for the word of your husband.
    Christianity is a close, real, never-ending relationship with the God who loves us, who gave everything to be with us. He left his throne and felt pain for the first time, experienced death just to know us. He wants to know you, Amelia, Tess, and Ryan. He knows the perfect marriage, He created it. If you believe that marriage is just a love thing, or just a legal thing, fine, but if you believe that the joining of two beings is a God thing, then please, do your marriage a favor and get educated.

    Nicholas 2011-08-25

  • Eeesch

    Browsing through here while trying to write my own vow, I literally physically cringed when I read this one. I don't much care what you folks claim god wants; my heart tells me marriage should be a partnership, a bond of mutual love, respect, and equality. And though I believe in god, I will trust what my heart tells me over what some other person claims god told them, 100% of the time.

    Ryan 2009-06-20

  • oh boy

    must i always be the voice if reason? without totally shooting everybody down theologically (which i would like to do, should i have the time later) i must say that despite all your bickering about being 'equal', you're really missing the point in all of it. God is the one to say who submits to who. He tells us to submit to Him and to follow His authority. If you're going to reject the God-given 'headship/authority' that you're place under (Biblically...yes, it's in the Bible if you look) then I cant imagine that you're going to submit to God, the highest authority. Should you decide to believe that God is right and you are wrong, then you'll begin to realize that He puts things in place the way He does because He loves us and knows what's best. until then, you're just a mess, Amelia.

    Andrew 2008-06-17

  • Women are just as good leaders as men

    Tess - I completely agree.
    I am a Christian. But I won't call myself a Christian if that means I have to be a sexist Christian.

    Some Christians think the man should be the (spiritual etc) leader and the woman should be obedient to him. But heaps of other Christians today (almost every Christian I know) thinks that it should be completely equal between husband and wife - they should 'submit' in a sense to each other, respect each other, and have equal roles in decision-making etc.

    I cannot agree with any God, or any faith, that tells me arbitrarily that I must obey my husband and he must lead me. It has been bad for women historically to have only men and no women as the 'leaders' of everything, at least it is changing today.

    God is all-loving and all-good. He created women and men equal. Even if men are naturally better leaders (I disagree strongly!) there is no reason to think that absolutely all men should lead absolutely all women once married (some women will be better leaders than some men).

    Amelia Allis 2008-05-10

  • God is real not a religion

    Marriage is Gods idea. And He did intend for the man to lead the woman spiritually. He also intends for the man to rule over the woman. Lovingly of course. Gods laws are perfect, not disgusting. You should find out more about this before making these judgements. God made and loves you too. He gave His Son Jesus for you.
    I can see some cynical people reading this and thinking "yea right. not another Bible-basher". But it's true. God created the world and there are laws he created. Think about it. The world, in all it's complexity, didn't create itself. And it hasn't evolved from a small bundle of cells. Even science disagrees with that now.
    Look into it.

    Sarai 2007-06-21

  • wow

    This is totally disgusting to me. It's so condescending to believe that a woman needs her hand held by a man to worship whatever God in whichever faith she may be a part of.

    Tess 2007-03-09

  • The man of the household is the spiritual leader

    God did intend for the man of the household to be the spiritual leader for his family. It think adding this to the vow is an outstanding idea.

    Cassie 2006-02-28

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