Our hearts beat together as one

The sun smiles on us today, our wedding day, and how can it not, for
our love is stronger than forever and our hearts beat together as one.
I promise to be a true and faithful partner from this day forward, in
all life's circumstances, as we face them together. In the joys and
sorrows, the good times and bad, in sickness or in health, I will always
be there for you, to comfort you, love you, honor and cherish you, now
and forevermore.


  • If It Rains......

    Although it rains, the sun smiles within us today, our wedding day, because
    our love is stronger than forever and our hearts beat together as one.

    Stacy 2017-07-22

  • Very Nice

    But what if it rains

    Sharna 2011-11-22

  • Perfect vows

    I love this wedding vow.. Nice work (: im totally using this vow && a mix of others (:

    Cassady 2011-06-26

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