For This I Am Grateful Comments

  • What lies within...

    I so much love it

    Solange 2017-11-21

  • love this

    I am getting. Married

    rose 2015-09-10

  • great

    Its so nice and I will be using it for my wedding this coming September 20 2015, I will just add a little details... and perfect...
    thank you for this.

    cris 2015-08-30

  • Love

    Beautiful and I love it to death!

    Brenda 2015-05-21

  • for i am grateful

    that was so sweet,thats what marriage is about

    ofaithful 2012-07-04

  • Pintu

    , there's no such thing as a Christian/Muslim/Jewish/whatever child, it's the parents that push it upon them. I was ctreshined and I'm an atheist it really is a load of old cobblers. When I have kids I'll bring them up to be free-thinkers. Don't take that as personal criticism it's more of a general complaint.

    Pintu 2012-06-30

  • Beautiful

    straight from the heart,so genuine!i love it

    Ayanda 2012-01-12

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