Life's Mate Comments

  • Love

    Until the days.

    La'Teasah 2015-10-08

  • grow up

    I say it was wonderful and contrats to whom ever wrote such a personal vow and are willing to share amongst strangers and how dare anyone judge it and and if you don't like someone saying it's a privliege then you mustn't be that in love with the one you with, or you don't plan to stay with that person for long nor take the vows seriously enough, to me there is no greater honour and it is a privliege to be with that person as you wouldn't want to share that preiouse moment with anyone else.

    oldschool vaules 2013-01-23

  • Rooting

    I liked the bit about rooting, i think that this vow would work really well if you inserted a pause after, so it would sound like rooting by your side??

    Florin 2011-07-07

  • Fresh view vows

    These are refreshing, modern vows that I will use as a template for our vows, with modifications, of course. Yes, it is an HONOR and a PRIVILEGE for me and an HONOR and PRIVILEGE for my husband-to-be to share our lives together forever.

    DBDyer 2011-05-14

  • awed

    im sorry but im pinching these , its exactly how i feel about my other half its very rare anythin can move me to tears but that did

    jessica 2011-04-01

  • Aspirational

    Good aspirations but the wording didn't quite work for me. Stating it was a privilege came across as feeling a bit unworthy. Never be afraid to confide in me and you are always welcome...are not vows. Rooting for someone made me think of that wombat thing 'eats, roots and leaves. Hoping to never reach the highest high sounded a little defeatist. Oh I sound terribly critical! Otherwise very contemporary and I'm sure, authentic.

    Worthy 2010-05-29

  • It is a priviledge

    This is an excellent vow, very personalised, meaningful. When u are really love a person and know their worth, it is a definetly a Priviledge to get married to them. U only won't consider that way when ur ego stops you from thinking that way. Marriage is not a party event to just feel happy & excited but to honour the person u love.

    Jessica 2009-12-16

  • Get over it Tabitha 2

    You didn't even spell privilege (among other things) correctly. Your critique is void.

    I can emotionally connect to these vows, and therefore find them to be unbelievable heartfelt and moving. I plaudit the author.

    Gina 2009-08-22

  • It is a privelege

    I believe it is a privelege. Have you heard the saying.." The best start to a perfect marriage is when both parties believe that they have gotten more than they deserve"?
    I'm getting married in Sept. I can not wait. My hubby to be is such a wonderful, sweet man I feel like the quote says, and he feels the same for me. We both are privelaged to be marrying each other.

    Rhonda 2008-01-18

  • WOW

    I love it! I love it so much i might us it for my own wedding sum day!! You have a passion for writing and i think that you should persue that!!

    Leah 2008-01-08

  • Awesome

    These vows are beautiful! I agree with alysen that most vows are archaic. We are actually using this one as a outline. Thank you.

    vow searcher 2007-10-24

  • Says it all

    These vows do cover it all.

    FDW 2007-08-01

  • Well said

    It's a privilige just to find such a strong and enduring love, that marriage is the ultimate blessing that you can bestow on each other.

    Jess 2007-07-02

  • Excellent

    I think these vows are awesome.I nearly cried reading them.

    Bronwyn 2007-05-13

  • Get over it Tabitha

    I think these vows are phenomenal. The only person who would not find this to be a touching and heartfelt symbol of love is probably a "single person" who has not yet reached that higher level of being Priviliged to be married to someone.

    Glenda 2007-05-08

  • Brilliant

    This is a wonderful example of a vow that has captured the essence of the modern relationship. So many other vows are either archiac, or simply flowered nonsense with no real meaning.
    Excellent job!

    alysen 2007-01-01

  • a privilage

    it shouldnt be a privilage to marry someone you are deeply in love with. it should be happy, exciting, emotional in a good way knowing you have met the one you love with all your heart and soul, the one you want to grow old with. knowing you will always be by their side through the good the bad, the sad and the laughs. you mak it sound like your a child wanting a treat for staying out of trouble. i hope i dont make you mad im just stating how it sounds in that one sentence.

    tabitha 2005-08-08

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