My Promise

I may not have much, or be much. I may not be able to give you everything your heart desires but with everything I am, I can give you my promise.

I promise that I will accept you as you are, even with your flaws and ur faults although I cannot see them. I will never discourage you from following your dreams or persuing the things in life that bring you joy and fulfillment.

I will never judge you as my love is unconditional and holds no boundaries, I will respect your opinions even when I disagree.

I promise that I will always remain faithful and loyal to you, and be there when you need me the most. I will be your confidante, your lover and your friend, I will carry you through the hard times and guide you to happiness.

I will always be understanding and considerate, patient and optimistic. I promise to be that driving force that keeps you going when you feel that life has failed you.

I will always be there to love you, hold u and appreciate you. I gave you my heart, and now I give u my promise.


  • Amazing

    This is truly amazing and even though I am not engaged, I will use these as my vows.

    Lina 2015-07-14

  • almost perfect

    this one is amazing and some of the words can be changed to be more personal. really good outline for my vows to my best friend and hubby to be

    Tina 2012-06-02

  • Perfect

    I give this a 10 because it made my future wife cry and our wedding day is still just two weeks away! I have stage fright and to add to the dilemma, my fiance wanted us to come up with our own vows that are more personal rather then the same old traditional hosh-posh! Anyways, I needed a guideline and ran across this one...thanks for the help, I will forever be grateful to whomever this may concern and for this website!

    Jason 2012-01-03

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