Common Civil Ceremony

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the marriage of ________ and ________.

_MF and ________ have found that special "someone" to love and trust with heart, mind, and soul. They have someone special to come home to - after a long search. They have found someone to support them and comfort them in times of trial. They also know they have good reason to be happy together and we rejoice with them in their union.

We also celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other and we support their decision to commit themselves to each other for the rest of their lives. Marriage is an honorable estate not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and reverently. Marriage is a commitment to take another person as a friend, a companion, and as a lover.

Who gives ________ to be married to ________?

The uniting of two individuals from two separate families and backgrounds to establish a new family is an important and memorable event. The uniting of this couple is an occasion of great significance, which we can all celebrate. Marriage is not a casual event nor is it simply a private affair between two individuals.

Marriage is to be entered into responsibly and prayerfully. This marriage brings together this day two individuals, two families, and two communities of faith. It deserves and needs the support of a wider commitment to each other by offering ________ and ________ your continued support, love, and best wishes in their lives together, in their love together, which they publicly express in this ceremony.


The marriage ring seals the vows of marriage and represents a promise for eternal and everlasting love. It is a physical manifestation of the promises joining both the bride and groom together. The wedding ring is placed on the fourth finger of the left hand because it was traditionally believed that this finger was a direct connection to the heart - the perfect place for a symbol representing eternal love and commitment.

(Groom places Bride’s ring on her finger)

"I promise to you ________, before our family and friends, to commit my love to you; to respect your individuality; to be with you through life’s changes; and to nurture and strengthen the love between us, as long as we both shall live."

(Bride places Groom’s ring on his finger)

"I promise to you ________, before our family and friends, to commit my love to you; to respect your individuality; to be with you through life’s changes; and to nurture and strengthen the love between us, as long as we both shall live."

We who have come together today have heard the willingness of ________ and ________ to be joined in marriage. They have come of their free will and in our presence, have declared their love and commitment to each other. They have given and received a ring as a symbol of their promises. Therefore, by the power vested in me by the laws of the state of Illinois, I take great pride and pleasure as I declare them husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you Mr. And Mrs. ________.

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