Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremonies

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 1

This candle you are about to light is a candle of Marriage. It's fire is magical because it represents the light of two people in love.

This candle before you is a candle of Commitment because it takes two people working together to keep it aflame.

This candle is also a candle of Unity because both must come together, giving a spark of themselves, to create the new light.

As you light this candle today, may the brightness of the flame shine throughout your lives. May it give you courage and reassurance in darkness. Warmth and safety in the cold. And strength and joy in your bodies, minds, and spirits.

May your union be forever blessed.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 2

From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls who are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single, brighter light goes forth from their united being. In this spirit, bride and groom, take your individual candles and light together a third candle which signifies your marital bond.

May the light of love, and the light of understanding, and the light of respect, and the light of tolerance shine eternally for you both.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 3

Now, we're going to engage in a ceremony of spiritual symbolism. Ancient sages tell us that for each of us, there is a candle, a symbol of our own inner light, but that no one can kindle his or her own candle. Each of us needs someone else to kindle it for us.

When two people fall in love, they kindle each other's candles, creating great light and joy and glorious expectations.

Now, ________ and ________, I'd like you to remember when it was in your relationship that you first realized you were truly in love and wanted to spend the rest of your lives together. And holding that thought...

________, (pick up candle), take this candle, symbol of the inner light in ________, lit by the eternal light, with the dedication to rekindle it again and again, whenever necessary. And ________, (pick up candle), take this candle, symbol of the inner light in ________, lit by the eternal light, with the dedication to rekindle it again and again, whenever necessary.

With these candles, we can see how to achieve a beautiful marriage. In your marriage, you will try to bring these lights, the symbols of yourselves, closer and closer to each other, until they become (join the flames) one great torch of light a radiant symbol of love, joy, peace and harmony. (hold flames together) This is the mystery of the union two becoming one.

Yet, it is vitally important to remember that there are always really two (divide the flames) in a marriage, each with his or her own desires, yearnings, dreams and wishes. And these must be respected and responded to with great love, with great compassion and with genuine tenderness.

We know that it is the prayer of your beloved, as it is the prayer of each of us here, that you will continuously light these candles of love, so that there will always be light and joy, peace and harmony in your hearts and in your home.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 4

Today bride and groom come here from two different families. Out of these two families, a new family will be created in the Lord. At this time, I would invite the parents of ________ and ________ to come forward and light the individual candles which represent the two separate families. The two individual flames, one representing each family, will demonstrate to us in a very beautiful way the symbol of two who become one. From now on they will grow together as unique persons becoming a light to the world.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 5

The scripture tells us that life is like a flame, It has its own warmth, and its own brilliance, but it's in the union of Two, that something brighter, warmer, more wonderful takes place

You have chosen the Unity Candle as a symbol of your love and life to come, and the lighting of the Unity Candle signifies that you are now TWO in ONE flesh.

(The Bride and Groom goes to the Unity Candle which the Mothers lit before they were seated at start of the ceremony.)

I ask you now, will you light your Unity Candle, from the Mother's Candles previously lit, which symbolized the fate and life they have shared with their children.

(After the bride and groom put the flame of the two mothers' candles previously lit and light their Unity Candle, they blow out the flame of the mothers' candles, and put them back in the holder. Then, I ask the bride and groom to join hands by the Unity Candle, look at each other, and repeat after me.)

Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following you:
Where you go I will go;
Where you lodge I will lodge;
Your people will be my people, and your God my God"(Ruth 1:16).

There can be and are variations in the Unity Candle Celebration, but the above is the one I use which has become most popular one chosen by the bride and groom.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 6

The scripture tells us that life is like a flame, It has its own warmth, and its own brilliance, But it's in the union of Two, that something brighter, warmer, more wonderful takes place.

You have chosen the Unity Candle as a symbol of your love and life to come, and the lighting of the Unity Candle signifies that you are now TWO in ONE flesh.

(The Bride and Groom go to the Unity Candle which the Mothers lit before they were seated at start of the ceremony.)

I ask you now, will you light your Unity Candle, from the Mother's Candles previously lit, which symbolized the fate and life they have shared with their children.

(After the bride and groom put the flame of the two mothers' candles previously lit and light their Unity Candle, they blow out the flame of the mothers' candles, and put them back in the holder. Then, I ask the bride and groom to join hands by the Unity Candle, look at each other, and repeat after me.)

Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following you:
Where you go I will go;
Where you lodge I will lodge;
Your people will be my people, and your God my God"(Ruth 1:16).

There can be and are variations in the Unity Candle Celebration, but the above is the one I use which has become most popular one chosen by the bride and groom.

Non-Denominational Unity Candle Ceremony Sample 7

Today, ________ and ________ make a loving commitment to follow the greatest Commandment of all: "Love one another, as I have loved you." They do this in hopes that their union will become a symbol of God's promise to merge two lives into one.

The two distinct flames represent your lives to this moment; individual and unique. As you light the center candle together, the entwined rings symbolize your two lives joined in dependence and growing maturity. Your plans will be mutual, your joys and sorrows will be shared alike. The cross is a reminder of your faith in the Lord who who enriches your marriage in every way.

Extinguish the two, and you are forever united in God's love.

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