Renewed Commitment

I stand today in front of our family, our friends and you, my husband/wife, to reaffirm my marriage vows.

X years ago we stood in our church and said words that were written for us. Today I am not simply taking a vow; I am giving you a vow and a promise in words that are my own.

My love for you has grown over the last X years. There have been times when I believed the problems before us were too big to overcome, too painful to forgive. I have since learned that I love you more than I could ever have imagined and that it is enough to overcome and forgive the broken promises in our past.

Today I give in to that love and the overwhelming desire to recommit myself to you. I love you more today because of all that we have been through and because of your willingness to move forward with renewed commitment.

I promise, from this day forward, to love and trust you even more as time passes. I promise to be there for you when you are sick, hurt, in need of comfort or when you just want to share your day. I promise to make you feel needed and appreciated for all that you bring to my life. Today I stand in front of our family, our friends and you, my husband and promise to give you all of the best of me for as long as we both live.


  • Best

    I love this...I’ll be using this for my 5 year wedding anniversary....hope it’s okay

    Wifey 2021-01-14

  • Mrs

    This is beautiful. It is exactly the vow I was searching for to use in the renewal of our wedding. It would be our 30th anniversary ... except for the time of my husband’s affair. God has blessed us to be happily reunited. Thank you for sharing this post!

    Mended 2019-05-20

  • Mrs

    This is beautiful. It is exactly the vow I was searching for to use in the renewal of our wedding. It would be our 30th anniversary ... except for the time of my husband’s affair. God has blessed us to be happily reunited. Thank you for sharing this post!

    Cindy 2019-05-20

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