But Love Is Blind Comments

  • Bride

    When I got married I decided I wanted to spare the love. I have become minister and hope I do a great job marrying every one with God in my heart,

    Elizabeth 2017-09-07

  • wedding

    Congratulations ❤

    destiny Morgan 2015-07-21

  • so true

    when i meet my boyfriend i took him to meet my grandmal and she asked me do you see that big red bump on his face and i said no then i made him come over to us and looked at his face and i said to her i dont see it and she said its because you truly love him and love is blined and i just look at him and smiled and tld him i love him for the first time and he said it back and now were gotting married its so funny how i never belived in love untill he walked into my life

    nichole 2012-02-09

  • love

    Hi its me teddy nice poem! Best I've heard all day.

    Teddy 2010-11-13

  • yeahhhhh....

    ♥♥ this is true..!!! and its really true..!!

    ssshhhh 2009-10-19

  • But Love Is Blind

    My very personal understanding of TRUE LOVE is,
    'True love' is NEVER blind. 'True Love' is pure from
    within us. It's all about CLARITY at all times.
    'True Love' is rational, is about giving without losing Oneself, is always generous, is always kind, is always compassionate.

    Linda Chan 2009-07-12

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