To Know You Is To Love You

To know you is to love you.

For you are the shining example of what it means to be a good person.

Your soul is magnificent radiance embracing joy and life where you find it. I look upon you as a beacon of hope in a stormy world that can be both selfish and cruel. You inspire me to proudly seize our future, building both hearth and home. To follow your lessons taught so effortlessly to bring happiness and comfort to others. To care for our world and its future, treating all we meet in it justly regardless of creed or background. Together we carve deliberately our place among those people, in that world, which we shall leave a better place than we found it.

This day I pledge my self to this, to us, to you. To support your dreams, endeavors, and talents. To celebrate your uniqueness, and foster the angelic light in you that has touched so many. I am deeply honored to be able to share my experiences with you, and shall always make myself available should you need an ear to listen, a shoulder to grieve upon, or arms to hold you. Virulently I will protect you, and what we have, with my resources, my wisdom, my life. I vow to be devoted to you in my heart, straying not from the path you and I walk, hand in hand. And as we age, knowing it is not for the weak, my love for you will grow, as it always has.

It is my fondest wish full filled, as I am blessed this day to wed to you Angela Vena, that I should know you.

For to know you, is to love you.

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  • First & Only

    Let’s do this!

    AMC23 2022-09-09

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