The Recipe of Love

The recipe of love must always include
Some herbs and spices for fortitude;
A tablespoon of forgiveness -
A clove of loyalty -
A cup of faith -
And a sprig of honesty;
A pinch of patience -
A teaspoon of trust -
A cup of friendship -
And a bit of lust;
Mix all these herbs and spices well -
No other recipe could ever excel;
Add ________ and ________ for proper effect;
Then saute the whole in two cups of respect.

Poems - Copyright (c) 1983-1996 by Ara John Movsesian


  • perfect match

    This is pefect because I am a pastry chef & he is a master chef. I love this one! This is a great idea, and I wont copy this, but I will use it as an idea.

    Ariana 2008-06-11

  • ideal

    our best man is a chef so this is great.

    lynn 2008-02-25

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