The Perfect Honeymoon

I must admit that when I tried googling the title of this article, I was surprised to find tips that are mostly about honeymoon destinations, pre-honeymoon preparations and honeymoon themes. Now those things don't really tell you what you SHOULD have in your honeymoon to make it perfect.

If marriage is made in heaven, then your wedding day is the day you have entered the celestial portals and your honeymoon is the first heaven. Yes, there are many heavens - not just one, three or seven but actually nine of them, and your marriage is a journey into this ecstatic dreamland. Just as the first heaven is the foundation of all the celestial abodes, your first honeymoon is also the foundation of the rest of your married life. Yes, you read that right, I really meant "first honeymoon." Why? It is because the secret of reaching the cloud nine of marriage is by moving up and keeping your relationship afloat in eternal bliss.

In today's norms, honeymoon doesn't have to be the couple's first time together. There is an advantage to this, because the awkward days are over and you can already focus on bonding and building up your intimacy with each other.

So in this article, I dare to show you ways to make your honeymoon not only perfect but also last until the color of your hair turns to silver.

It helps to be more original and creative

Hey, it's YOUR honeymoon after all. Original is perfect. You don't have to strive to duplicate what movie stars do - in reel or real life. You don't have to go to Rio de Janiero and do it like Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. You don't have to spend your time in Rome or Paris - if you're so in love with each other, you won't have the time to explore places anyways. You have yourselves to explore and discover. You only have to look at your spouse and create your own experience together. Honeymoon will be perfect if the idea, the theme and the place came from you.

Have more of the significance rather than the extravagance

As a newly-wed couple, you would want to get in touch more with the harmony that you will have with each other and your family for the rest of your lives. And a honeymoon that arouses your emotional ties will surely be worth it. Bear in mind that the monetary value of your trip will not determine the value of happiness that you have with each other. As time passes by, the economy will change and you'll forget how much you spent. And as you age, the more profound you will know your spouse and the memories you've made starting with your perfect honeymoon will always remain.

You might think of a place or theme that holds a deep significance in your relationship. It may be just in the country or a few blocks away or in a beach resort where you shared lots of memories. You don't have to go abroad or spend much money. You only have to make memories and make more out of them.

Try to be in touch with nature and be yourselves

I wonder how perfect Adam and Eve's honeymoon was. There were no other people around-- just you and your spouse naked and living with nature without shame and pretention.

Well, although you are no Adam and Eve and you are far from alone in this world, it won't stop you from being close to nature. Perhaps your daily lives are bombarded with tight-schedules, stress, paying the bills, and other things. Why not make your honeymoon extra special and perfect by spending time in nature-oriented places like non-commercialized beaches or forests? Try to get away from the world and get into nature. Perhaps you could spend your time together strolling in the forest (just make sure you won't get lost), or walking in the beach in the sunset, or meditating with your spouse on a mountain. This way, you not only have your honeymoon, you also get in touch you're your inner selves.

Focus on what matters - each other

Kick off the rest of your years together with extravagant servings of LOVE.

I concocted my own recipe based on what I have observed from my parents who have been married for 30 years, yet is still the sweetest couple I've ever known.

LOVE in Action:

L - Lavish your attention upon each other. Make your partner feel that he/she is the most important person in the whole world. Hang on every word that he/she says, and pay attention not only to his/her words but also to what his/her heart is saying through body language.

O - Oblige your partner as far as it is possible. Be ready to do favors, be courteous and accommodating. Always put your partner's needs ahead of yours. This is one way to make your partner feel very special. Bear in mind that everything you sow will yield its own fruit.

V - Value each other more than finest gold. If you can make your partner feel that he/she is the treasure that you hold in your heart more than anything else, then he/she will reciprocate the feeling.

E - Express your feelings and thoughts towards each other. Communication is a very crucial element in a relationship; misunderstandings stem from lack of communication. Always remember that communication is two-way. As you lovingly express to your partner how you feel, also seek to understand how he/she feels and be ready to empathize.

So search for the LOVE in the following sentences and live them.

Listen to each other, Overlook each other's mistakes, Value each other's opinion, and Enjoy every moment of your life together. Remember, you only pass each moment but once, so make the most of it. Don't judge each other. Rather, Look at the positive side of things, Observe all the beautiful things that your partner is doing, should something appear wrong, Verify facts before jumping to conclusions, and if ever you find imperfections, let there be no condemnation, but rather, Encourage your partner to do better. Bear in mind that Love Overcomes Virtually Everything, so Live your One Vision Everyday and always remind each other: "Let Our Values Endure".

If you Live in harmony with One Vibrational Energy every day, then your partner will realize that the best place to be is anywhere you are.

Thus, you will not only have a perfect honeymoon, but one that lasts a lifetime, constantly ascending to the heights of eternity. Heaven after all is within you and among you; paradise is exactly how you and your partner make it.

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    Queened 2024-06-15

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