Lost and Alone Before I Met You

I was lost and alone
No sense of purpose or being
No comprehension of family, love, friendship or honour
And then I met you

Where there has been cold,
You have brought warmth;
Where my life was VERY dark,
You have brought light
You invited me into your world and asked for nothing in return

So what can I say to you that I haven’t already said,
What can I give you that I haven’t already given,
Is there anything of me that isn’t yours already,
My body, my mind, my heart, even my soul,
Everything that is me belonged to you long before this,
And it shall be yours long after this,
I will go wherever you will go
Hand in hand and heart in heart.

Whatever may lay ahead, good or bad, we will face together.
Distance may test us for a time, and time may try us.
But if we look to each other first, we will always see a bezzie
________, look to me for all the days to come;
I will always be here by your side
I will always listen be truthful
today I take my place as your husband/wife.

Wedding Vows True & Unconditional
Your Husband "Always Forever, Near and Far Closer Together"


  • Happy again

    Lost my husband of 47 years , 3 years ago. I have found a man who is my soulmate. He is overseas, right now. When he gets home in a month we will be married. I’d like this poem to be our wedding vows. He is a fantastic man, very loving and treats me like a Queen. He will forever be my King.

    Renee 2021-03-16

  • حمة҉.


    Lê Trung Dũng 2020-04-15

  • Bride

    Thank you

    Angela 2020-04-15

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